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This page contains some Pascal source files and the related executable programs (for Windows 32-bit), written between 1992 and 1998. Being a little old, these source files can not always be compiled on the modern platforms without modifications. Often it is necessary to fix something here and there, such as changing the definition of variables. Moreover it's necessary to consider carefully the build environment, since the compilers typically use different libraries.

For example, when compiling a graphical program using Free Pascal it's necessary to make a choice: an option could be using the standard libraries crt and graph, with the disadvantage that keys must be pressed keeping the focus on the main console window instead of the graphics actual window; an alternative could be using the hybrid combination of wincrt and graph, with the disadvantage of not being able to use the functions Clrscr and gotoxy, and to have not access to the standard input in the main execution window. In this case it's necessary to write a custom way for reading keyboard inputs. An example of this approach is the integrate application.

For this reason, the Pascal source files listed below are divided into two categories: programs updated, verified and compiled (on Windows) are listed in the category executable (source and executable), while the programs yet to be verified, checked and repaired are listed in the sources category (only source).
For some tips about how to solve the most common problems of conversion from Pascal of the '90s years to the modern Pascal see the hints section.

Related links: video games


Key (password) Requesting and checking an hard-coded password (in this example: pippo)
Stars (640x480) Slow rotating sky with stars and random meteors (resolution 640x480)
Stars (1024x768) Slow rotating sky with stars and random meteors (resolution 1024x768)
Screensaver Simple screensaver with nightly landscape and random lightnings
Cron Cronwatch storing intermediate times
Sword Software for training swords traditional defence
Bourbon Management software implementing the Bourbon Stree dating game (1997)
Fitting Linear, exponential and hyperbolic interpolation of a series of points
Keyboard Very simple program testing the features of the keyboard unit
Integrate Integrator of data collected from a digital A/D sampler
Pixel A comparison between two algorithmics for moving a graphical pixel
AD&D Fighting Fight simulator for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons RPG
Schroedinger Solving Schroedinger's equation for four different potential functions
Spectrum (for DOS) Management, analysis and fitting of a general set of data on two columns
Probability Evalution of the probability statistics reports for common games
Tankzone Graphic engine prototype for the famous Tank Zone video game of the 80's
Hunt Hunt simulator for the Vampire WhiteWolf - The Masquerade RPG
Rotor Graphic engine prototype for visualization of 3D simple objects
Matrix Calculus application for linear algebra problems (matrixes and vector in R5)
Dumper Simple editor for cracking old software DOS application
Calendar Calendar managing birthdays, projects, celebrations and to do list
Statistics (DOS) Application for football pool gambling games (version for DOS)
Statistics (WIN) Application for football pool gambling games (version for Windows)


Spectrum (for WIN32) Management, analysis and fitting of a general set of data on two columns
Cursor Application for studying the psycological interpretation of random events
Voyagers Simulator game for the Live Action Star Trek game
Darwin Growth emulation of genetics selection for a virtual population
ZY Not linear interpolation between causes and effects (I forgot the actual requirements)


  • Exit code 201: try to replace the variables word with variables longint, or check that arrays indexes are within the range declared for the array.
  • Graphic error: check that the value returned from the ImageSize function is positive.
  • InitGraph(gd,gm,' '): call it only once and never inside a cycle (otherwise a new window is opened each time).
    Do not use this function to clean the screen, use ClearViewPort o ClearDevice instead.
  • Graphic key events: use wincrt and not crt to access the keypressed e readkey functions in graphics mode.
  • Debugger: to acknowledge the specific line number of a runtime error select Generate also backtrace line information from the Options - Debugger compiler's menu.