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Java Courses

This page contains some of the training stuff I used to teach Java between 2001 and 2009. Nowdays majority of this material is obsolete, therefore files and documentation offered here are mainly for historical purpose.

Most of the documentation is in English. Each course is offered here with all source files, but in some cases the content of the course is just an outline or a table of contents. This because I have always held the lectures personally, hence most of the teaching material was in the form of simple paper notes and guidelines.

Didactic approach

In my opinion, some common ways to held a Java course are not very effective: they usually start by providing a lectures about inheritance, constructors, polymorphism and so on. Only later is explained how to create code blocks that do something "interesting".

Here I had chosen a different approach: the basic course quickly introduces the Java Applet, allowing the learner to immediately practice with some Java graphical applications. The code style is intentionally naive and sometimes rough, to avoid going too far in the paradigm of the object-oriented programming. Subsequently, in the intermediate course, the object-oriented programming model is introduced, avoiding to fully exploit the object-oriented programming paradigm. Finally, in the advanced course, we introduce some professional programming techniques (data structures, multithreading, Swing, etc..) trying to fully exploit the potentials of the architecture offered by object-oriented programming, and presenting some of the most common pattern modeling.

Related links: JSP pages and web services

Training material English flag

1 Base course - Introduction to the Java language (table of contents) Apri documento PDF
1.1 Base course - Most common API Applet documentation Apri documento PDF
1.2 Base course - Java sources Scarica archivio ZIP
1.3 Base course - Exercises (evaluation test) Apri documento PDF
1.3 Base course - Exercises (solutions) Scarica archivio ZIP
2 Intermediate course - Object-oriented programming (table of contents) Apri documento PDF
2.1 Intermediate course - Object-oriented programming (ditto, in DOC format) Scarica documento
2.2 Intermediate course - Java sources Scarica archivio ZIP
3 Advanced course - Professional programming (table of contents) Scarica documento
3.1 Advanced course - Java sources Scarica archivio ZIP