Practising the CSS2 attribute selector

This page shows some examples about the CSS attribute selector. Let's consider following CSS selectors: the first lines define the properties for the elements having an attribute named my_attribute. The last lines exploits the properties of the attribute selector to implement an inheritance effect for CSS definitions.
See below for the result when applying these CSS definitions.


This paragraph has an attribute named my_attribute (notice: it is a custom attribute!)

This paragraph has an attribute named my_attribute with value second

This paragraph has an attribute named my_attribute with value the-third (hyphen separated)

This paragraph has an attribute named my_attribute with value last row (whole word).

It contains also this sentence (enclosed by span tags), and this single word

This paragraph has not attributes at all

This paragraph has an attribute named my_attribute with value second

This paragraph has class child-1   (hence it extends the child class)

This paragraph has class child-2   (hence it extends the child class)