Pure English

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Tai Ji Quan
Giada Adriani
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Phractice is a simple webapp created in PHP, free to use, born to help PHP developers to learn the basic of PHP programming. The webapp implements a system managing two simple entities: users and carriers. Such system can be easily modified in order to model any other system regarding two entities having a "one-to-many" relationship (in current implementation a single user could have more than a carrier).

The application has been developed using following technologies: PHP, Javascript, web services SOAP (with NuSOAP) and jQuery. The SQL components (scripts, queries and DAO classes) have been developed for the MySQL database. Some of these technologies are included only for training purposes in the Tutorials section of the application (see test menu of the webapp).

Phractice snapshot

The webapp contains about 45 PHP pages well documented (in English language) in order to easy understanding how each page works and what it does. The only requirements are a basic knowledge of PHP, Javascript, CSS, jQuery and HTML.

The application contains also about fifty pages in the test directory: these pages does not belong to the Phractice application since they offer some tutorial and training examples for learning the most common PHP concepts: accessing the HTTP session, managing cookies, connecting to a database, the DAO and VO pattern, Object Oriented programming, development of web services SOAP and creating images at run-time.

Remark: the fronted interface of the application is available only in Italian (no internationalization). However, all the source documentation (PHP comments) is written in English. All the tutorial pages are written in English.

The overall features offered by the Phractice application are:

  • Authentication management using the MD5 encryption: login, logout and session control (9 PHP pages)
  • Users management: tables view with paging, insert, update, delete and search (7 PHP pages)
  • Administrators management implemented by the same pages used to manage normal users
  • Shipment/carriers management: as the users one (7 PHP pages)
  • Smart links between users and carriers, considering different grants of users and administrators
  • Online pages for the hypothetical final users of the applications (carriers and shipments)
  • PHP libraries for accessing the database and setting the application look & feel (13 pages)
  • 5 CSS style sheets: a main one (default), more other 4 loaded at run-time when necessary
  • Persistence of the main menu implemented with an Ajax call to the PHP backend (2 pages)
  • Examples of usage of the DAO and VO patterns: 2 PHP classes and 4 tutorial pages
  • Examples of management of the HTTP sessions and cookies (14 PHP pages)
  • Examples of usage of the GD PHP library for the 2D graphics (8 PHP pages)
  • Examples of Object Oriented programming (11 PHP pages)
  • Other examples and general purposes tutorials (4 PHP pages)
  • Script SQL for the creation and setting up of the database


Phractice 1.0