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Welcome to the Stefano Adriani Home Page.

This web site is dedicated to pubblications of different types: science, information technology, mathematic, fiction and essays writings. The first section of the site is about information technology and offers many freeware softwares produced by myself, training material and useful references links for IT's experts. The section didactis contains learning materials for seconday high school students.
Among the essays writings you cand find some thesis about philosophy, psychology and sociology. The fiction section offers some novels and fiction writings. The fun section is about playing and games, and contains very different genres of games: classic board game, live action game and videogames.

Remark: most pages of this site are currently available only in italian. However, the available software products should often contain English istructions, and sometimes are offered only in English. To show only the menu entries leading to pages fully translated in English, click on the Pure English link on the top of the left menu.

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Disclaimer: the majority of the pubblications offered by this site are not covered by any commercial copyright: it's then possibile to dowload (free) software products, pubblications, games and documents without any constraint, with the commitment to recognize to Stefano Adriani the intellectual property of all the downloaded material. This means that the material can be re-distributed, with the condition to distribute it free of charge and without any modifation (see Creative Commons Licence).